Irwell Rest Home - Wellington, New Zealand

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Address: 11 Irwell St, Island Bay, Wellington    Phone: (04) 383 8485    Fax: (04) 383 8797    Email:

Home Page

Irwell Rest Home is a Stage 2 Rest Home catering for the elderly in need of care, comfort and security. We provide Respite Care, Convalescent Care, Short-term care and Long-term care.

Irwell Rest Home is a purpose built rest home and is privately owned and operated by the Nicolson Family of Island Bay. Irwell was architecturally built to fully utilise the wonderful rural and sea views, and all day sun. The Building is well insulated, has a robust fire evacuation scheme and a high earthquake safety rating.

All bedrooms at Irwell are single rooms, with each room having its own en-suite comprising shower, toilet and vanity. Bedrooms also have a television, refrigerator, telephone and heating. We provide genuine 'home-cooked' meals and cater for most dietary and cultural needs.

Staff employed at Irwell are very friendly and competent, most have had many years experience in caring for the elderly. We offer all staff on-going education to help them keep up-to-date with the ever changing needs of the Elderly. Most care staff have gained the Level 3 National Certificate in Caring for the Elderly.

We have a full activities programme which runs Monday – Friday. Many and varied activities are on offer including outings, newspaper reading, exercise programme, indoor bowls and musical events to name a few.

Our vision for the rest home is to create a 'family' orientated rest home, ensuring a 'stress-free' life-style for our residents. The peaceful surroundings, skilled staff and family atmosphere will ensure that you, your loved ones or friend's stay will be comfortable and enjoyable.

John (Manager) along with his wife Heather live on site at the rest home, and are available to all residents and families (including out of hours). To arrange a visit, or for additional information please contact:

John or Heather Nicolson (owner/manager).

Irwell Rest Home is a Member of Health Care Providers New Zealand

Cute and Cuddly
Cute and Cuddly

Current Notices:
Title: Summer 2021
Date: January 2021
Posted by: All of the Family
Notice: Irwell Rest Home

the Family Home


Hello Family and Friends

Happy New Year – we are hoping for an uneventful year this year.

Despite COVID19 restrictions we managed to enjoy the festive season. Thank you to everyone who attended the party, it made a special day even more special!

Many many photos were taken at the party, we have ordered them in collage poster form. When they arrive they will be hung on the wall. If you would like copies of any photos please email office@irwell and we will email you the photos.

During 2020 we said goodbye to some of our Irwell Family (both Resident's and Staff) due to many reasons, we welcomed many new ones as well.

Cecelia has taken over the Activity programme introducing many new and exciting things for the resident's to enjoy.

Some Housekeeping reminders.

Please can you keep us updated when your contact details change? It is better to send an email to with all updates.

If you are going away on Holiday it would be helpful for us to know as well as being given a contact number to use in the event of an emergency.

Please, please remember to get a Staff Member to lock you out if visiting after 5pm, this is an on-going issue that we need your cooperation in- this is for your relatives safety as well as staff.

If a Resident asks you to take them somewhere please do not do this.

Once again all the best for 2021 – be like all of us please cross everything (fingers, toes, arms etc.) that we do not see anymore lockdowns.

Take care till next time

Residents, Staff and Management

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